Sunday, February 2, 2025

Happy 14th Birthday, Alyssa

 Dear Alyssa,

I don't know how it's possible that my last baby is going to be starting high school this year. But here we are, wrapping up middle school and choosing what high school you'll go to. I know this is a tough choice. You want to be with people you know, but you also want to pursue all of your interests. Listen, you do not have to pick your career path now. You have lots of time to figure all of this out. Follow your heart. In the end I think you know what's best for you.

This year has been filled with lots of changes, and I know it is not starting off the greatest. But we'll get through this hiccup and there's so much to look forward to this year. Your sister's wedding.  Your 8th grade dance. Your 8th grade graduation. Starting high school. I think this is going to be a good year for you.

So keep your head up. Keep looking forward and keep on working hard. You are so smart and so witty. We never know what's going to come out of your mouth and most of the time it's usually something that makes us laugh, or gives us a really great story to tell for years to come. I am looking forward to getting to correctly celebrate your birthday when Dad gets home. And I know he is too. We love you so much. Happy birthday, Lissy Loo.

Love always,
