Last night CJ's school was hosting a Turn off the TV night. A chance for families to get away from computers, tvs, and other electronics and just have fun as a family. We were all supposed to go, but Joe ended up having to work so I ventured out with all four kids by myself. It ended up being a very nice evening. There were four "stations". They split us up into four groups and sent us each different places. Our group started out in the library with a story. It was a story about a penguin. After that and a little song we went to the gym to play musical chairs. I played too even though they told me I could sit out since I had the baby. Natalie didn't want to play, but she did and had a blast. It took CJ a few tries to get the hang of it, but he sure had fun running around the chairs. Kaitlyn took a few pictures...
Then we went to play Bingo. Natalie won once and then CJ and I won at the same time. It was a good time. After that was Arts and Crafts. Kaitlyn couldn't wait to get there. CJ probably couldn't either because his teachers were helping out there. Over to the art room we went to do some arts and crafts. They had to draw a picture of something they like to do that doesn't involve technology.
Kaitlyn drew a picture of a slide and a bike. Natalie drew a picture of a swing. CJ said he drew a picture of a rocket. Hmmm, not sure that he got the purpose. Or maybe he did. He told me last night when I put him to bed that he was Superman and he could fly. So maybe that was why the rocket? He likes to fly??? They also played with some play-dough and then we came home.
Natalie actually seemed to have a pretty good time considering this was an elementary school activity. Kaitlyn probably would have enjoyed it more had it been at her elementary school with her friends. And CJ like usual was along for the ride, but he seemed to have a good time. It was a fun night. We probably won't do it again because CJ most likely won't be at that school again next year, but maybe his new school will do something similar. Or maybe Kaitlyn's school will pick up on it.
Remodeling Revision
We are at the back end of a long overdue home remodel. We’ve been displaced
for five months and are preparing to move back as I type this. I was
4 days ago
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