Time for some more random thoughts from me.
I have really been enjoying the newborn stage this time. Don't get me wrong, I loved all of my kids as babies, but this last time just seems different. I guess with Natalie I was nervous because she was my first. Then with Kaitlyn I worried how I'd show Natalie that I still love her. Then with CJ I was so worried about him the first few months and him not growing I don't think I had time to enjoy it. But Alyssa is my last and she has just been such a great baby. She loves being held and I don't mind spoiling her like that. No need to tell me I'm spoiling her. I know I am, but I just can't help it. She's a mama's girl and all of my kids have always wanted daddy over me.
I might just be completely insane. Here I am, my first week without Joe here full time to help out and I'm in full swing potty training mode with CJ and a newborn. It really seemed like a golden opportunity though with him. The kids are home from school this week and we aren't really going anywhere because Joe has the car and it's way too cold to step foot outdoors with a newborn who has a cold already. So underwear it is all day long for CJ. My hope is by the end of the week he'll mostly be going to the bathroom on his own so I can send him to school next week in underwear and stop messing with pullups. I truly hate pullups and never used them until now because I had to due to CJ going to school.
I'm finally starting to feel like my old self again. For months of my pregnancy I was just completely miserable. Couldn't move around without pain. Now I can go up and down stairs numerous times doing laundry and not go into a coughing fit. I can give CJ a bath again without experiencing pain. It feels good and I really enjoyed bathing CJ again last night. That used to be one of my favorite things to do with him. I didn't realize how much I missed doing it.
The girls have been fighting with each other non stop for the past few weeks and it has been driving me insane. Not much I can do about it either since they share a room. No where to send them to get away from each other. Ahhh, if only they knew how lucky they were to have one another. I always wanted a sister. I suppose if I had one though I wouldn't have appreciated her until we were grown though.
Well, I guess that's about all I've had on my mind. So until next time...
Author Interview with Emma Otheguy
When I had the pleasure of meeting Emma Otheguy, I got a taste of her
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