Here is this weeks Week In Review for December 27, 2009 - January 2, 2010
Sunday: Got up to the kids playing with CJ's toys. CJ was crabby. So I laid down with him for a few. Then he was in a better mood. I have the feeling the girls woke him up. He can be hard to get going if he doesn't wake on his own. We had breakfast and then brought Joe to work so I could have the car. Came back home and washed dishes. Put CJ down for a nap. Then I got all of the stuff up from the basement to put the tree away. I wrestled with that darn tree for a few hours, but I finally got all the ornaments off and in their place, the lights down and in their place, and the tree apart and in it's box. Then I wrapped a birthday present and got CJ up from his nap and we headed to a birthday party. It was at Randy's Wooster St. Pizza which means a make your own pizza party. CJ had fun with that and playing peek-a-boo with everyone. The girls had fun too. This wasn't really new to them though as they've had their birthday there before. I had to leave the kids there so I could go get Joe from work. Got him and went back to the pizza place for the end of Mia's party. Joe called his sister and was still talking to her when we got there so I went in to let him continue talking to her. We hung out a little while longer and then we left. Joe had found out that his grandmother's wake is tomorrow. Nice of someone to tell him. That despite telling his sister we have no money she was still expecting $600 from him. I was livid about the whole situation since we had no say in any of the arrangements and yet she was expecting all of this money that we just do not have. Joe and I ended up getting into a fight. We went home, but ended up having to go back out to get food for dinner. We went to the store and got the food and came home to cook. Looked up Joe's grandmother's obituary. Noticed that some information was left out like the name of their mother, Nanny's only child. That might have been important information for anyone who would have known their mother to have read even if she has passed already. Anyways, I called my mom to tell her when the service was in case she wanted to come or send flowers. I cleaned up the living room. Put CJ to bed. The girls stayed up playing their new game and watching some TV for a little while before they finally went to bed. Joe and I stayed up a little later and went to bed.
Monday: Joe had to leave early in the morning for work. I got up after 8 and the house was very quiet. I enjoyed the quiet for a little while before I began working on some laundry and more packing. The kids finally got out of bed. I called public works to set up a bulk pick up. I called the Uhaul place to rent a truck for Saturday. Did more laundry and more packing. Made lunch for the kids. Put CJ to bed. Washed dishes. Cleaned up the kitchen a little. Went and took a shower. Got ready for Joe's grandmother's wake. Joe came home from work. I got the kids ready to go over my friend's house. We left and dropped the kids off and then headed down to the wake that Joe didn't even want to go to. All because of the drama with his brother and sister. They didn't even say anything, but one of his other sisters was carrying around a water bottle that was not filled with water. She was drunk and making a scene. Joe got into a small scuffle with her. Nothing big. He was trying to get the bottle out of her hands and she didn't want him to so she slapped him a few times and bit him. He let her go and she stayed away from him the rest of the night. The wake ended and we headed home. Stopped at the grocery store to get something for us to eat for dinner and then went to pick the kids up. Got them and brought them home. Got them ready for bed. Put CJ to bed. Made dinner for me and Joe. Ate. Sent the girls to bed. Joe and I watched some TV before we went to bed.
Tuesday: After not sleeping well I got up to CJ crying. Got the kids breakfast. Packed up some books. Paid some bills. Got the girls working on packing up their bedroom. Joe left for work. I did some more packing. Fed the kids lunch. Put CJ down for a nap. Laid down for a few. Got up and washed dishes. Started cooking dinner. Ate dinner. Joe came home from work. He ate dinner. We put CJ to bed. Let the girls stay up a little and watch some TV. Then sent them to bed. I did some laundry. Took a shower and went to bed.
Wednesday: Got up early and got ready for Joe's grandmother's funeral. We left for that. Stopped at the store to get some flowers and then went to Joe's sister's house. We went to the cemetery. Had a tearful morning. After that we headed back to Joe's sister's house for a few. Had to leave early though because Joe was late for work. Came home and had some lunch. Put CJ down for a nap. Joe left for work. I dozed for a few. Got up and washed dishes. Started cooking dinner. Fed the kids. Did some more packing. Sent the kids to work on their messy rooms. Folded some laundry. Continued packing. Joe came home from work. I still had the kids up because their rooms were such a mess. Had a little breakdown because I have no help. Put the kids to bed and tried to pack more. Joe helped a little but he was tired. We went to bed after clearing off our bed.
Thursday: Had to get up very early to bring Joe to work so I could have the car. Came back home to snooze a little before getting the kids ready. Got everyone out the door later than I wanted. Stopped at my friend's house so she could watch CJ for me. Brought the girls with me to the new place with me to wait for the gas man. I set them up in their bedroom and went to work on painting the kitchen. The gas man showed up and finally we had heat. I continued to paint. Got the second coat of one of the colors and all of the first coat of the other color on the walls. Left around 12:30. Had to clean snow off the car. Got the kids loaded in and drove back to my friend's house to pick up CJ. Hung out there for a few and then came home for lunch. Put CJ down for a nap and I crashed on the couch exhausted. Had to go pick Joe up from work though. So I got CJ up from his nap and we went to get Joe. Got something for dinner and came home. Made dinner. Fed the kids. Watched some TV. Got CJ ready for bed. Put him to bed and watched a movie with the girls. I soaked in a nice hot tub. Tried to stay up until midnight, but with the long day it was too hard.
Friday: Got up early. Joe was getting ready to leave for work. He left and I hung around for a while. Then CJ got up so I got him and fed him breakfast. Natalie got out of bed shortly after and Kaitlyn followed a little while later. They ate. I sent Natalie to start getting me her board games. I got dressed. I packed up some stuff in the kitchen. Then I packed up the games and taped up some of the boxes the kids were bringing me. Took some garbage out to the garbage can. Tried to tackle some more packing. CJ kept getting in the way. I got the girls bedding packed up and then made lunch for everyone. After lunch I put CJ down for a nap and then I went and worked on packing up my bedroom. Got the girls to get some of the board games from under the couch. Packed up some blankets while they did that. Then they needed my help. I had to hang Kaitlyn over the back of the couch to reach some of the games. Got that done. Freecycled some stuff. Continued to pack. Had dinner. Went over to the new place to unpack some stuff so we could have more boxes. Came home put the kids to bed and packed some more. Did a load of laundry and packed some more. Finished the laundry and called it a night.
Saturday: No internet. Will write a post when I have internet telling about our move. Well, assuming anything exciting happens. If it's just your normal typical boring move then I'll keep that to myself. But basically my day will be get up early, pack up last minute stuff, take apart beds and furniture, go get the rental truck, load the truck, go to new place, unload the truck, back to the old place, load up truck, back to new place, unload truck, and hopefully that will be everything and we will return the truck and go back to the new place to set up beds and begin to unpack everything. Without internet until Monday according to the cable company.
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