Here is this weeks Week In Review for June 28 - July 4, 2009
Sunday: CJ woke up with a rash. So I called the on call doctor who said to stop the Omnicef and call his doctor in the morning. We had breakfast and then just hung around the house. Joe went to work. I gave the kids lunch and then put CJ down for a nap. He slept for nearly 4 hours. I washed some dishes before Joe came home from work. He wanted to take the girls fishing, but I didn't think there would be time before dinner. So he just went to get worms to take them fishing after dinner. I made dinner and everyone ate. Then Joe got all the fishing stuff together and I pulled out the bug spray to spray the girls. They left and it was just me and CJ. I gave CJ a bath hoping it would help his rash. He was falling asleep in my arms after the bath so I put him down for bed. Joe and the girls came home shortly after 8. We watched some TV and then sent the girls to bed. Then Joe and I watched a movie which I fell asleep during. I woke up to the end of the Mets game another loss. Then Joe and I went to bed.
Monday: CJ slept for nearly 13 hours. I got him up and he still had his rash although it looked a lot better. I called the doctor though to let her know what was going on. They said they would note his reaction and would talk to the doctor and call me back with what she wants to do. So we gave the kids breakfast and I showered. Before I got in the shower I got a phone call from one of the guards at the pool saying that swimming was canceled for the day due to a broken pipe. Figures, the first really nice looking day that's actually hot and they don't have swimming. Oh well it gave me time to get CJ's winter clothes ready to go to Once Upon a Child to be sold. Once I got them all taken care of we brought them there. Of course they were super picky. Didn't even take something that I had purchased from them last year that he never wore. Oh well it was almost $20 we didn't have. Then we went to the grocery store to get some groceries and then I brought everyone home so CJ could take a nap. I went back out to the bank. The doctor's office had called back when we were out. We won't be putting CJ back on an antibiotic again unless he starts showing signs of being sick. We have to wait for the rash to go away anyways. He can go to swimming too. CJ took a little shorter of a nap than the day before. When he got up we made dinner for the kids. I washed dishes and collected all of our bottles, cans, cups, and glasses that were laying around the house. Cleaned up that mess and finished up a load of laundry I had started earlier. Fed the kids dinner and tried to figure out something for Joe and I. I ended up going out and getting us some BK. After putting CJ down for bed. Then when I came back home I discovered that Natalie had ruined my white board on my fridge. I questioned her about it, she lied, I sent her to bed, Joe sent Kaitlyn to bed, and we had two unhappy kids. We ate our dinner and watched some TV and I played around on the computer before we finally went to bed. I couldn't sleep though. When I finally did fall asleep I was woken up by terrible stomach pains. So I got up at around 2 and ended up being up until 3. Then tried to go back to bed. Had a hard time again falling asleep, but I finally did.
Tuesday: I had to get up at 6:30. Not easy to do on just a few hours of sleep. Brought Joe to work and came back home. Put CJ back down to let him sleep some more and tried to lay down too. Still couldn't sleep though. CJ got up an hour or so later and I fed the kids breakfast. Then we waited around until it was time to get ready for swimming. We went to swimming and CJ still didn't like it. The weather was much warmer, but the pool was still a little cool. After swimming we went to get gas. Then home for lunch and to shower and stuff. CJ fell asleep in his high chair. I had to wake him up to bathe him and dress him so we could go pick Joe up from work. Then we went to the store to pick up something for dinner and to the bank. Then Joe realized that he forgot his keys at work so we had to go back and pick those up. Then finally we came home and put CJ down for a nap. I cleaned up a little and then cooked dinner. We ate and then I did some laundry. I put CJ down for bed and tried to stay awake to finish up the laundry. I managed. Watched a very pathetic Mets game and then went to bed.
Wednesday: Everyone slept in. I got up about 9 and everyone else was still sleeping. CJ woke up shortly after so I got him out of his crib. Fed him breakfast and did a few things around the house. I realized at 10 that the girls still weren't up and needed to get up and ready for swimming. So I got them up and ready to go. Brought them to swimming and after we went to the grocery store to use the WIC checks that I realized expired today. Then we came home and they showered and had lunch. Tried to put CJ down for a nap, but he was having nothing to do with it. So I just took him out. Then Joe went to work and I tried putting CJ down for a nap again. That didn't work so well. He fussed in his crib for 2 hours before settling down. Unfortunately it was dinner time. So I got him up and ready to be fed. I found out Natalie had been on the computer and lied to me about it so I sent her to bed after eating dinner. Kaitlyn and CJ stayed up. I put CJ down shortly after that and stayed up with Kaitlyn waiting for Joe. When he came home we sent Kaitlyn to bed. I did the swimming laundry and then went to bed.
Thursday: Woke up early to bring Joe to work. Came back home and put CJ down to sleep a little longer. Then I got him up and fed the kids breakfast. Got ready for swimming. I debated taking CJ in. It was his last day though so I figured we better. He hated it again. It wasn't as cold though. So still hoping by the end of the summer he likes this. The kids had their test for swimming and we left to pick Joe up from work. Then we came home and the girls showered while I made lunch. I fed the kids and then gave CJ a bath and put him down for a nap. Then I went and showered. I decided to take a little nap too. Joe woke me up to ask me if I wanted to go to some fireworks. After figuring out where I was we discussed it and decided we'd go. Although, the weather had us a little worried about whether or not they'd even have them. I washed some blankets and ordered a pizza for dinner. Cleaned up the kitchen and ate dinner. Then our friends arrived so we could follow them to the fireworks. It was raining when we left and it was raining when we got there, but as we were walking to the viewing area the rain stopped. It ended up being a nice night for fireworks. We left around 10:30 and got home around 11. Sent the kids right to bed and I finished up some laundry.
Friday: Finally Friday! The kids were all slow to get up due to our late night the night before. As they got up they had breakfast. I had the girls get their bathing suits on early so we could bring Joe to work. Then we came home and I put the girls hair up and finished getting them ready for swimming. We left for swimming. They had Fun Friday. The first session of swimming for the summer is over. Right after swimming we had to run over to the indoor pool for the lottery for the last session. Of course my number was one of the last to be called. We were able to get all of the kids into the time and level we wanted though. Saw a friend there. Her son moved up a level and will be in the same class as Natalie. I chatted with her for a few and then we said our goodbyes. Came home and I made lunch and cleaned up the kitchen while the girls took a shower. We ate. I put CJ down for a nap and then watched some TV. Then we had to go pick Joe up from work. We came home and debated dinner for the next hour. I washed dishes and Joe ended up cooking dinner. He wanted chicken fingers, but for some reason I am terrible at cooking chicken fingers. I always manage to burn it. So he cooked dinner while I did laundry. Natalie told another lie and got grounded. We ate dinner and Joe talked to his sister and then his brother. His brother told him he had to go and would call back in a little bit. So we put CJ down for bad and watched some TV and then sent the girls to bed. Joe fell asleep on the couch and I did some laundry. His brother never called back. I finished folding some laundry and went to bed.
Saturday: I woke up very abruptly to a Charlie Horse. Not fun. My calf muscle was so sore afterwords too. I guess it's time to have some bananas. CJ woke up shortly after that. Then the girls got up and I gave them breakfast. I did some stuff on the computer and then we brought Joe to work. We planned on going right from his work to some fireworks. So I came home and fed the kids lunch. Put CJ down for a nap. Did even more laundry. Cleaned out my car. Showered. Packed food and drinks for the fireworks and got CJ up from his nap. Changed him. Packed a change of clothes for him and left to pick up Joe. We went to the place they were having fireworks. We were going to do the bouncy things there, but it was so crowded we didn't even want to attempt it with the kids. So we just got some food and sat down and waited for the fireworks. It was a nice show except they were setting them off right behind this huge tree. So our view was a little obstructed. Then we came home and sent the kids to bed and I worked on getting pictures saved so I can finally remove them from my camera and make room for more stuff.
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