Here is this weeks Week In Review for May 17 - May 23, 2009
Sunday: A lazy day for the most part. I did all of the laundry from the week. Washed dishes. Joe wanted pizza for dinner so we ordered out. After eating the kids all showered and bathed and went to bed. Joe and I watched our second movie that we rented. He fell asleep during it. I didn't pay too close attention to it because I was checking my baseball score. They lost. Guess the movie wasn't all that good.
Monday: CJ decided that 3 a.m. was a good time to get up and play. Took about an hour to finally get him settled down and back to sleep. Needless to say getting up a few hours later wasn't the greatest. I brought the girls to school and came back and did some stuff online. Put CJ down for a nap. Talked to someone at the school in the FRC about the science program we brought to the school this week. Everything was going great. Then we had to wake CJ up to bring Joe to work. As we were driving I got a call from Claudia about our PAT visit we had rescheduled. I almost forgot about it. So CJ and I went home after dropping Joe off at work and I cleaned up a little. We had lunch and Claudia came over. We had a little pretend tea party with CJ. I see everyday how different it is having a boy. The girls at his age would have been all over the tea party he was more interested in putting the top on the tea pot and taking it off. He did pretend to eat some stuff though, but it definitely was not his cup of tea so to speak. Give the boy a car any day and he'll make all sorts of sound effects. But tea cups and he just doesn't know what to do. She left then I had to go get the girls from school. Kaitlyn couldn't find her jacket so I had to wait for her. She did find it. I talked to my PTA VP for a few about our upcoming BBQ and what we should charge for tickets. Then we left. The girls did homework and then we had to go back out to pick up Joe. We then went to Walmart to get some envelopes and then to Blockbuster to return the movie. Then over to Game Stop for Kaitlyn to pick out a new Wii game to replace one she sold on ebay. Went home and I started dinner, but discovered I was out of lemon. So ran to the store to buy some lemon and came back to finish up dinner. We ate and the kids got ready for bed. Sent them to bed and then Joe and I watched TV. My cousin got proposed to so when I was told I was too excited to go to bed so I stayed up until about 1.
Tuesday: Got up on time again this morning. Got everyone ready and I brought the girls to school. Joe stayed home with CJ. I went in to check with the science performing people. They were all set. My other officers arrived and we did some things at the school and then watched the science performance on Matter. It was great. Hopefully the kids learned a lot. After the show I did a few more things at the school and then went to the post office. After the post office I came home where I worked on editing tons of pictures. CJ got up from his nap and Joe fed him lunch. Put way too much jelly on his sandwich and he had it all over him. So I put CJ in the tub to clean him off. He pooed in the tub. So after getting him out and handed off to Joe I emptied and washed the tub. Then washed the towels because CJ also peed on the bath mat. By the time everything was cleaned up it was time to pick the girls up from school. I brought them home and they did their homework while I continued working on pictures. Joe went to work. I dried the towels; I washed dishes and figured out what to do for dinner. Just spaghetti. CJ was so anxious to eat he reached up on the counter while his food was cooling and grabbed his plate. When did he get tall enough to reach the counter? Ugh, he keeps me on my toes. Fed the kids and gave them dessert and CJ got his cookie EVERYWHERE. So bath number 2 for him. Got him all washed up and everyone ready for bed. Sent them to bed and then hung out playing around on the computer and waited for Joe to come home. He came home and we watched some TV together before we went to bed.
Wednesday: Finally spring is here. Hopefully to stay. Woke up to beautiful sun shiny weather. Got everyone ready. Joe took the car to work so we had to walk to school. I showered and got CJ dressed. And then we were off. Got to school on time and CJ and I went down to playgroup. He is changing so much. Before at playgroup he could have cared less who touched a toy he had been playing with. Heck, a kid could have come up and grabbed something out of his hands and he would have been fine with that. He's definitely becoming a toddler though. He was playing with a shape sorter and decided that was his toy. It didn't matter if he had put it down and moved onto something else no one else could play with that. No major meltdowns yet, but I can tell they are coming with him. His PT came to playgroup for his final visit. CJ is now a Birth to Three graduate. He no longer needs her services. We will continue with the PAT visits and Ages and Stages through the FRC to make sure he remains on track and continues to grow, but everyone thinks he's going to do so well. I agree he's amazing. He has overcome a lot. So after playgroup CJ and I walked home and I put him down for a nap. Then I worked on some BBQ stuff. Not too much since it was contingent on phone calls and I had to wait for people to call back. So I mostly ended up playing on the computer and folding some laundry. I did finally get all the information I wanted and figured out we are going to be way under what we budgeted for the BBQ this year. That is awesome. CJ got up from his nap when I was on the phone. Thankfully he entertained himself until I could get off and make his lunch. I fed him and then we played for a few before we had to walk to go pick up his sisters. I got some Avon fundraiser stuff from my PTA VP that needed to be exchanged and then got the girls and we walked home. They did their homework. Joe came home and we went to the grocery store to pick up some staples (ie bread, drink boxes, and snack for school). A few things turned into $60 worth of stuff. Came home and put everything away and then washed dishes and cooked dinner. We put CJ to bed early while the girls stayed up a little past their bedtime to watch a movie with us. They went to bed and I played on the computer while Joe shaved and took a bath. I laid down on the couch and fell asleep. Joe woke me up around 11:30. I tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn't so I ended up staying up until after 2 a.m.
Thursday: I was woken up early by a loud engine and couldn't go back to sleep. So I got about 3 hours of sleep. Got up to check my e-mail and play on the computer again. The kids slowly started getting up. Joe went to work. I walked the girls to school. Came home and played with CJ until it was time for his nap. I honestly did not accomplish much today. I cleared some stuff off our DVR and that's about it. Joe had a job interview after work which was why he took the car. He called me about 2:30 to say he was on his way home. He came home and we went to get the girls and then went to the bank to deposit some checks we had received. Then we went to Game Stop so Natalie could buy a game. She had won a $15 gift card to Walmart for her poem, but she didn't want anything at Walmart. So we offered to buy her gift card off of her so she could get something else. She chose a game for the Wii. We came home and the girls did homework. Kaitlyn didn't like that she had to redo her homework and spent a lot of time crying about that. So she wasn't allowed to play the new nintendo game. Once Natalie finished her homework without argument she did get to play her new game. Then we had dinner the girls cleaned their room and I chatted with my cousin online. She asked me to be the maid of honor at her wedding. I accepted. Joe and I watched some TV and then stayed up way too late again.
Friday: Got up and showered. The girls decided they didn't have to get ready for school today that they could just flit around here this morning like they had no place to be. Not a good way to start the day and not a way to make mom happy ;). Somehow they got out the door on time and to school. I've been finding old childhood friends on Facebook so I spent part of the morning doing that. Then I lost my internet connection so I spent an hour on the phone with the phone company finding out what happened to my DSL. They wrongly shut it off and can't get it turned back on until Wednesday because of the holiday. Nice! So I'm on dial up. Back to the stone ages. It's so slow!!! So my internet time has been limited. I brought Joe to work. Then I went to my Avon lady to make some exchanges and then home for lunch. I tried to deal with the slow internet connection, but everything took twice as long. I went to pick the girls up from school. Came home for a few before getting Joe from work. We went to Walmart and got the kids some new shirts and some sunblock. Then we came home to figure out dinner. Ended up taking the kids to Friendly's. After dinner we came home and I watched the Mets game. I fell asleep before it was over, but I know they won.
Saturday: Slept in. Finally catching up on all of those late nights this week. Fed the kids. Joe's sister called. So I had to wake him up to talk to her. He talked on the phone for a while. Everything is fine though. She needs money for some bond on their grandmother's house, but she doesn't know why since the state has the house. We took it easy in the morning. CJ took his nap. Then we went to a picnic at the park that we were invited to. We had a very nice time at the picnic. There was some excitement at the park as some kid got injured at the skate park. Three ambulances and fire trucks later the kid was on his way to the hospital. From what I understand he broke his arm and the bone was sticking out. Ouch! We stayed and played wiffle ball though and then cleaned up and came home. Then we just relaxed for the rest of the evening at home and slowly my allergies started acting up. So I spent the evening with itchy watery eyes and sniffling and sneezing. But hey, the Mets pulled off a win in the 9th inning to the Red Sox so I was happy despite my discomfort.
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