on the other side. That is the saying. It's funny how when the kids are in school you can't wait until they are out for vacation. Then once the kids are home they are driving you crazy and you can't wait for them to go back. Then they go back and you remember all over again why you wanted them home.
It has been an exhausting day. Our issues with the bus this morning carried over into this afternoon.
Natalie's bus dropped her off down the street instead of at the corner as was stated where her bus stop would be. I asked the bus driver about it and she said it's illegal to stop at the corner. Uhhh, what? That makes no sense. Kaitlyn's bus stopped there. So I called the bus company. I was on hold forever and they were supposed to look into the issue. Seriously, I want her bus stop at the corner. Then I can see her.
Then Kaitlyn's bus was super late dropping her off. Ugh, and it was so hot out there. She was not on the bus I put her on this morning. I asked the bus driver if maybe she was put on bus 2 instead. There were a lot of missing kids so it took her a while to get through. She said she wasn't on that bus. I had sent Joe to the other corner though to wait. I was about to go call the school to find out where she was when the other bus pulled up and she was on that one. Phew what a relief. Her teacher said she was supposed to be on that bus. I had talked to the bus drivers and there is room on both buses for her so I asked her which one she wants. She wants the one she came home on so that's the bus I'll put her on.
So now I've got homework and they don't. Everyone's telling me about their day at once. For the most part they had a good day. Natalie got to school with only a few minutes left of homeroom. Sigh, if her bus is that late again tomorrow I'll have Joe bring her in so she's not that late. She couldn't work her locker and her homeroom teacher wouldn't help her so she had to carry her backpack around with her all day. She had some issues I guess getting her lunch. She's got a mean girl in her Science and Math class so far. She knew this girl in 1st grade and she was mean to her then and she's still mean to her; pushing her apparently. We gave her extra money to get french fries today and she said they were awesome. She loves her computers class best so far.
Then Kaitlyn got a cute little note from her teacher saying he can't wait to see her tomorrow and hopes she had a good 1st day and that he too changed schools in the 3rd grade just like her. She really really likes him even though she thought she wouldn't. He gave her a bag of candy ;). She hasn't made any new friends yet. She has to share her locker with a bossy boy she said. But it sounds like all in all she had a good day.
Now the girls are back to getting on each others nerves. And CJ had continued with his disobedient 2 year old ways all day today. That has been escalating since the girls got home. He has Pre-K orientation tomorrow and then starts school on Tuesday. And I just want to go back to bed.
Author Interview with Emma Otheguy
When I had the pleasure of meeting Emma Otheguy, I got a taste of her
passion for introducing history to young readers. In addition to writing
early read...
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