CJ had yet another weight check today. We've been doing lots better. For a while there we were going once a week even twice a week. Now it's been 3 weeks since our last weight check. Last time CJ was weighed he was 13 pounds 5 ounces and today he is 14 pounds 11 ounces. So a 1 pounds 6 ounce gain in 3 weeks. I wasn't too optimistic about that though. The boy is on 24 calorie formula he should be gaining tons of weight one would think. He is up on the growth chart though. He went from the 7th percentile 3 weeks ago to the 11th percentile today. So the doctor seems pleased.
Now onto the other issue I've been having. I believe CJ has allergies. I brought this up to the doctor. He doesn't think it's food related though (although it did start becoming a problem when he was put on the formula) he thinks it's environmental. And he's too young for antihistamines. So he has to suffer. He won't test him because he says he's too young and his allergies aren't severe enough. Apparently not being able to breathe is okay. If he had asthma or diarrhea or hives then he'd have him tested. Ugh, what is with all this wait and see stuff? The poor kid wakes up in the morning with his eyes all gunky and crusted shut. He no longer sleeps through the night like he was doing when he was 2 months old. He wakes up with coughing fits. Nope, doctor just wants me to run a vaporizer or humidifier, but clean it out every day so it doesn't get moldy.
We go back in a month for his 6 month check up. I have contacted Birth to Three about some developmental things with CJ. I'm hoping they'll be able to perhaps point me in the direction of a more pro active doctor. I'd rather try to find out now what he's allergic to rather than have it get to the point of say asthma or something for him. I still believe his weight gain is rather slow. Especially in comparison to how both of his sisters grew on regular calorie formula. I'm very afraid of taking him off this high calorie stuff and having to go through all of this garbage with him again.
Author Interview with Emma Otheguy
When I had the pleasure of meeting Emma Otheguy, I got a taste of her
passion for introducing history to young readers. In addition to writing
early read...
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