Here is this weeks Week In Review for December 20 - December 26, 2009
Sunday: Got up to lots of snow on the ground. Joe wasn't feeling well either. He did get ready for work and went to work. I called my parents to find out what time they were bringing the girls home. They said around 3. I gave CJ some lunch and put him down for a nap. While he slept I ended up dozing on the couch instead of doing the things I should have. Got up and made a mad rush to get dressed and clean up around the house a little. My parents brought the girls home on time. CJ got up from his nap. My parents stayed for a while. Even after Joe got home from work. They left and we had dinner. Got the kids ready for bed and sent them to bed. Joe and I just relaxed before going to bed ourselves.
Monday: Got up and got the kids ready for school. I brought the girls to school while Joe stayed home with CJ. I had to help out with the schools Mugs and Mittens where parents could come in to get a free brand new coat and boots for their child. So I helped set that up and came home. Joe was making himself something to eat and some lunch for CJ. We put CJ down for a nap and then went through what we had for the kids for Christmas. There were a few things that needed exchanging. So I left to do some of that. Went to Walmart and then Kohl's and came home. My friend was going to pick the girls up from school for me. Joe was dozing on the couch when I came home until his phone rang. It was his sister telling him their grandmother passed away. Joe got off the phone with her and made some phone calls. Then decided not to go to work. He called out and lost it. I called my friend and told her we'd pick up the girls and then we went to the school to get the girls. I talked to their teachers to let them know what was going on and then we headed down to Bridgeport so everyone could say their goodbyes. We then went over Joe's sisters house to try to figure out what to do next. We didn't get many answers. We hung out there though. It was good for the kids to play with their cousins. We left pretty late and had to stop for something to eat and then headed home. The kids got to bed late. So did Joe and I.
Tuesday: Got up and got the kids ready for school. Joe brought the girls in while I stayed home and cleaned up a little and put together a cookie tin for CJ's PAT (Parents As Teachers) teacher. We had CJ's PAT visit and then we brought Joe to work. Came home and CJ had lunch and I put him down for a nap. I did some stuff around the house and before I knew it it was time to get the girls from school. A friend of mine called asking me to pick her kids up from school. I said no problem. Then she called back and said never mind she couldn't do what she had to do because her keys were locked in her van. So I told her I'll go pick her up and bring her and the kids home. So I did that. CJ threw a fit in the gym. That was unlike him. We got all of the kids. I talked to the girl's teachers to find out how they were. They did fine. We brought my friend and her kids home and then we came home. I cleaned up the kitchen and started dinner. We ate and then we went to pick Joe up from work. Came home and put the kids to bed. Joe and I watched some TV and then I put together a cookie tray for tomorrow and the kids teacher's cookie tins and a couple other tins too. Had to make some more cookies too. Finally finished all of that very late and needed a shower. Showered and went to bed.
Wednesday: Got up early and brought Joe to work. Came back home and fed the kids breakfast. Then I finished the cookie tray and got everything loaded in the car. Got the kids in the car and brought them to school with all the treats. Went down to the FRC to talk to them. Went to the grocery store for a few things and then came home. I washed dishes and baked more cookies. Girls got out of school early so I went to pick them up. Fed everyone lunch and then put CJ down for a nap. Got CJ up from his nap and went to get the girls haircut. A friend picked Joe up from work. Came home and we brought the kids over our friend's house and Joe and I finished up our shopping. Picked the kids up and brought them home and got them ready for bed. Then Joe and I got ready for bed too and went to bed.
Thursday: Joe got up early and went to work. I ended up sleeping in and so did the kids. I made some more cookies. Fed the kids. Did some stuff around the house. Gave the kids lunch. Gave CJ a bath. Put CJ down for a nap. Wrapped presents. Sent the girls for their shower. Then I went and took a shower. Got everyone dressed, hair done, and ready to go. As soon as Joe got home from work we left to go to my Aunt's house for our Christmas celebration. Had a nice time there and then came home and put the kids to bed. Joe and I stayed up late wrapping presents and getting everything ready. Then we went to bed.
Friday: Woke up before the kids. Realized we forgot to wrap some gifts. Did that quick. Got the kids up. Opened Christmas presents. I made breakfast. The kids played. Put CJ down for a nap. When he got up we got everyone dressed and ready to go see Alvin and the Chipmunks. After that we went over to the new apartment to paint. That didn't end up going over too well. We didn't finish. Came home and fed the kids. Made the girls clean up their toys which they were upset about. I wasn't feeling well. Got CJ ready for bed and sent him to bed. Let the girls stay up to watch TV with us. Then sent them to bed. Joe and I stayed up a little while later before going to bed ourselves.
Saturday: Got up and did some stuff on the computer. Got my parents gifts wrapped. Got a bunch of stuff together. Took a shower. Got dressed and got the kids dressed. Went to exchange some stuff. That took longer than expected and we didn't get to exchange something. We had to go over my parents for dinner. Headed down there in all this crazy traffic. Got there within the time we said we'd be there. Had dinner and a Christmas celebration with them and then headed home. Sent the kids to bed. I went through CJ's toys and put all of the girls stuff by the door for them to put away in the morning. Went through a drawer in the bathroom and got everything ready to be packed up. Then went to bed.
Check out more Week In Review posts!
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1 day ago
Hi, Monica. I'm with the National Center for Parents as Teachers and saw that you're in PAT in CT. We're trying to talk to families about Parents as Teachers and wondered if you'd be interested in doing a short phone survey? You can contact me at pat.simpson(at)parentsasteachers(dot)org. Great blog!
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