Sunday, April 25, 2010

Fishing Derby 2010

Every year for the past 4 years or so we have attended the annual kid's fishing derby at the local kids fishing pond. We get up bright and early in the morning and pack our fishing gear in the car and head to the pond. Then make the long trek up the hill and pick out our spot for the year. Then we wait for 7:00 to arrive so we can throw our lines in. It's always fun. There are prizes to be won. It goes until 10:00 and then we go home and sleep. So here's the 59th Annual Page Park Fishing Derby...

The early morning sunrise

Starting to fish

Even CJ fished this year.

Baby Jazmyn came to say hi

CJ having a drink


Natalie having a drink

CJ playing shy

CJ caught himself

In the last 10 minutes of the fishing derby after catching NOTHING the whole time Natalie caught a 13 1/2 inch small mouth bass. As soon as she caught it she declared, "I'm giving this to CJ!" And that's exactly what she did. She told them that CJ caught it and CJ ended up winning the only prize of the day for being the youngest to catch a fish.
CJ receiving his prize

CJ with his new fishing pole

The kids had a really good time. It was nice to win something. Heck, it was nice to have one of the children catch something. They haven't caught anything the past 2 years. I thought it was great of Natalie to give CJ her fish. Even if she says she did it because she knew her chances of winning something were slim to none, but that CJ would win something. And we have been wanting to get him his own fishing pole. So this was great actually. And CJ couldn't possibly be more proud of his winnings. So thank you Parks and Rec and Fish and Game for hosting yet another great fishing derby this year. I'm sure we'll be back next year. Natalie only gets another 2 years of being able to do this though.