Wow, it's been a while since I've written anything on here. I guess I haven't had too much to say. Friday my landlord did come back up to work on the ceiling, but he's STILL not done. And he won't be back this week to finish anything either because apparently he's busy all week. I gave him access all afternoon/evening on Thursday and then he was up here Friday morning for an hour before I had to take the kids to swimming and I let him back at 1 for a couple of hours. I told him we couldn't have him here at all on Saturday because we wouldn't be home at all. It almost seems like he's mad at us because we wouldn't let him in. Shame on us for having plans. Sorry, but it was my cousin's 30th birthday party. I couldn't miss that.Speaking of my cousin's 30th birthday here she is, the birthday girl. She actually turns 30 tomorrow which is also my niece's 1st birthday. Sadly I can't celebrate my niece because my brother has disowned me, but I had a good time celebrating my cousin. And no, I still have no plans of turning 30 myself. That's all for you Margaret ;). Here are some more pictures from the day. I thought I forgot my camera and didn't realize I had it the whole time until we left. So these are pictures that my Aunt (Margaret's mom) took and e-mailed to me. Thanks Aunt Kathy...
Sunday we went to Lake Compounce and got caught in the rain there. We had a good time before the rain came down though.
And today is back to the weekly grind. The girls had swimming this morning and CJ had therapy this afternoon. Both went well. I should have more to say this week. Wednesday CJ gets his Doc Band. They actually called me today saying it came in early and wanting me to come this afternoon or tomorrow morning instead. I told them no though because Joe took the day off on Wednesday to come with us. Of course we had CJ's therapy this afternoon and tomorrow morning CJ has swimming. I couldn't miss either of those. So we kept our appointment for Wednesday.
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