Here is this weeks Week In Review.
Sunday: Laundry day again. I baked some cookies with the girls too. They enjoyed that and the cookies came out pretty good. Another quiet low key day for the most part. Just looking forward to a hopefully quiet low key week.
Monday: I went to the grocery store today. Then to the bank. Our landlord came up after 7 to work on the toilet again and still did not fix it. This is becoming just slightly frustrating. And because of my experiences at the grocery store and with my landlord it prompted me to write this post.
Tuesday: We bought me a new used car. It's a 2003 Dodge Caravan. We'll probably pick it up next week when we are able to give the rest of our down payment. We took the kids out to dinner at TGI Fridays to "award" Natalie (as she puts it) for a job well done at her concert last week. And our landlord did not come up to fix the toilet like he was supposed to. So we now have a toilet that's leaking way more than it ever did before and no end in site to this.
Wednesday: A snow day! The kids are happy. No playgroup this week. My landlord finally came up to fix the toilet. I had to call him when things had gone from bad to worse to get him up here. It got to the point where shutting off the water going to the toilet still didn't work and water was spraying all over the place. I think it is finally fixed though. I got so frustrated with it all though that I actually took a video of the very bad leak just in case he didn't fix it and I had to call a plumber and take the cost out of my rent. Proof that he wasn't fixing the problem.
Thursday: There was a delayed opening for school. The girls didn't go in until 10:25. I then had to deposit a check in the bank. So CJ didn't get to go down for his nap until an hour late. I then had to wake him up early to go get Joe from work. We came home and his therapist was here. So we had his therapy. His therapist is impressed with him. He's doing great. I picked the girls up from school and spoke to Kaitlyn's teacher about her reading. Very discouraged there :(.
Friday: Joe had a doctor's appointment this morning. His cholesterol is up so he's now on meds for that. It wasn't too bad, but he won't change his diet. I went to the school to pick up the Box Tops for this months competition. I counted them and Kaitlyn's class won. I have enough of my own Box Tops to make it a tie between Natalie and Kaitlyn's class, but Natalie wants to hang onto them to hopefully help her class win February's competition. So Kaitlyn and her class will all get a certificate for a free kids cone to Friendly's. Our school is well on it's way to earning over $1000 just from Box Tops this year!
Saturday: We went out to Denny's for breakfast. Then after being totally filled by our Grand Slam breakfasts we went to Walmart to shop for prizes for November and December's Box Tops winners. Boy am I behind on my Box Top prize distribution. I'm putting together gift bags for the classes who won those two months. Took a nap and had pizza for dinner, yum!
So that's the week of January 25 - January 31, 2009 in review. Not too much going on. There was good and bad. My toilet is finally fixed at least and I'm getting a new car. It will be nice to have more than one car again! Be sure to check next weeks Week In Review because we have a busy week planned.
Check out other Week In Review posts.
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When I had the pleasure of meeting Emma Otheguy, I got a taste of her
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