Here is this weeks Week In Review for September 27 - October 3, 2009
Sunday: Got up to a quiet house. The computer wasn't working so I started looking for a rain poncho that I had for a rainy day parade we have to go to. The kids started getting up. I sent them to clean their room and continued searching for this poncho. I didn't have much luck. I did some more laundry. Then got dressed and got the kids dressed. We went to meet someone at my friends house to pick up the popcorn to bring it to the meeting place for the parade. Put the popcorn in carriages and covered them with garbage bags to protect them from the rain. Sent our volunteers out to sell popcorn. When we were done we met up and and unloaded the large amounts of popcorn we had left due to the weather from the carriages. We brought it back to my house to count. We figured we only sold 190 boxes of popcorn. We have over 300 boxes left. So the school will be having popcorn for snack tomorrow. I started cooking dinner and Joe put CJ down for a nap. We got him up to eat dinner. I was pretty physically exhausted after the day. I sent the girls to finish cleaning their room. Then gave them a shower and got everyone ready for bed. I sorted more laundry. Sent the kids to bed and did laundry. Joe went to return a movie and get some snacks. When he came home we watched TV. Then I took a shower and went to bed.
Monday: Got up and got the girls ready for school. Joe brought them in while I got dressed and got CJ ready. When he came home we loaded all of the popcorn into the car. We brought it to the school to pass it out to the children. So we walked up and down the stairs delivering popcorn to each class. When we were done we went to the grocery store and then stopped at our friend's house to make sure things were nice for when they came home later. Then we came home for lunch and put CJ down for a nap. I paid some bills and then it was time to go pick up the girls from school. We got them and went to the post office to get a stamp and then came home. Cleaned up the house while the girls did their homework. When they were done we went to Chili's for dinner. We had lousy service and barely hot food with burnt fries. Normally I'd complain, but I wanted to make sure the proceeds from our dinner went to childhood Cancer. So we left and came home. Got the kids ready for bed. Sent them to bed and then watched some TV before we went to bed. Went to bed early.
Tuesday: Go to bed early wake up early. I was up before everyone. Joe got up shortly after since he had to be at work early. He checked on the kids to make sure they were getting ready and left for work. The kids were slow moving this morning though. We left the house later than we should have. Which meant they were a couple of minutes late for school. I came home and had a relaxing day just me and CJ. Joe came home from work and we went to pick the girls up from school. Then we came home and they did homework. I washed dishes and got a phone call from our friends that they were on their way over because they had just gotten home from their cruise. So Joe and the kids straightened up while I finished the dishes. They came and stayed for a few chatting and giving gifts. Then they left and I started dinner. Fed the kids and Joe got called to go over and help our friend with something. So I finished cooking our dinner and washed dishes and ended up eating without Joe. I got the kids ready for bed and sent them to bed.
Wednesday: Got up and got the kids ready for school. Joe went to work and the kids and I walked to school. CJ and I had playgroup. So we went to that. I got my secretary to make a flier for the popcorn sale beginning this Friday. CJ and I played. Got some fundraisers in. Had snack. Read a story and went home. I went on the computer for a few then made CJ's lunch and put him down for a nap. Then I tackled my messy bedroom. Stripped the beds and started washing the sheets. Reorganized my dresser and dusted. Put clothes away. Straightened up some things. Finished up the bedding and had some lunch. Got a phone call from Joe that he was working late. Had to walk to pick up the girls. Came home just before Joe got home from work. Looked at some papers and then went to the bank and then to the store. Got gas and came home. Remade my bed. Cleaned the bathroom and washed dishes. Friends came over for dinner. I started cooking while we chatted and the kids all played. Fed the kids dinner and then we all ate. Then we hung out while the kids played. They left and I had Natalie do some more reading and got the kids ready for bed and sent them to bed. Then I proceeded to fold laundry and watch TV. Then I took a shower and went to bed on my nice clean sheets.
Thursday: Got up to a neighbor making all sorts of noise. It was time to get up though. Joe had already left for work. Got the kids up and ready for school. Another difficult morning. Got them to school on time though. Came home to watch the bulldozer dig up the yard across the street with CJ because he's a boy and loves trucks. Came inside and played with him. He fell asleep in his rocking chair. It was so cute. It was just before lunch so I just put him down for a nap. He was so tired. He ended up sleeping for over 3 hours. Got up in time to get ready to pick up his sisters. We walked there and then back home. Kaitlyn had forgotten her homework even though I asked her if she had it before we left for school and she said she did. So I was furious as this was the second homework mishap with her of the week. So she was grounded from TV and told to clean her room after she did her homework. She cried most of the way home. They started their homework when we got home. Joe came home from work. I got into a fight with Kaitlyn again about her work. Couldn't read what she wrote and she got mad that I was making her redo it. So I threw in the towel and Joe took over. Natalie came to me for help with her homework. We did fine for a while until I made her rewrite her letter to her teacher. She got mad at me. Kaitlyn had finished her homework by this point so she tried to watch TV. When I caught her and sent her to her room to clean up she flipped out. So both girls were crying and throwing fits and CJ soon followed suit. So I had all three kids screaming and crying. Great! Got them settled and went out to do a few things. Came home and our friends who were looking at the apartment downstairs were there waiting for us. We brought the kids upstairs. Our landlord came home and showed our friends the apartment and then they came up. We talked and they filled out the application and turned it in. Then we hung out a little longer and they left. I sent the kids to clean their rooms which again caused more crying. We were very ready for the kids to go to bed after that and they did. I chatted with my cousin for the rest of the night. Then went to bed. Unfortunately I didn't even get to bed when CJ started crying. He wouldn't go back to sleep so I brought him in the room with us and he ended up kicking me for 2 hours before Joe finally put him back in his crib where he screamed for about 45 minutes.
Friday: 5 in the morning after finally falling asleep from the CJ incident Natalie is knocking on my door saying Kaitlyn fell out of bed. Ugh, well I didn't hear any crying and Kaitlyn wasn't coming complaining so I told Natalie to tell her to just go back to bed and then went back to sleep. Next thing I knew it was 7 a.m. and the sun was shining in my window and there was a truck engine running idle outside my window. Time to get up. Checked on the kids who were just getting up themselves. Kaitlyn said her tummy hurt. I told her she probably was hungry and to go get ready. Then she was throwing up in the bathroom. Ugh, so I took her temperature. She had no fever, but said her stomach still hurt. So I told her to try to eat something to see how she felt. It didn't help though. So I was trying to figure out how I was going to be at school to help pop popcorn and take care of a sick child. I wasn't entirely sure that Kaitlyn was all that sick so I told her to go lay in her bed and that's what she'd have to do for the day if she wasn't feeling well. Before I knew it she felt better and wanted to go to school. Ahhh, that works. So we quickly got everyone ready. I finally got a good look at what happened to Kaitlyn's head. It didn't look pretty and I began to worry that maybe that was why she threw up. She was acting fine and we continued getting ready. CJ stayed in his pj's though and we ran out the door. Got to the school and got the popcorn machine out. I took Kaitlyn up to the nurses office to explain what happened. He checked her all out and took her temperature and said she was good to go. So I sent her off to class and went back downstairs to deal with the popcorn. We popped popcorn until just after 11 in the morning. It was crazy. We sold a lot of popcorn though. Cleaned up and went home. I counted the money. We got $47.70 from the popcorn. Not bad since the popcorn was only 25 cents a bag (we were shorted a nickel, but we let it slide). Then I tried to figure out why Joe's paycheck is not being direct deposited into the correct account. Paid my phone bill, put CJ down for his nap after he ate lunch, I had lunch, and then watched TV with Joe. Then he went to work and I walked to the school to pick up the kids. Chatted with the 5th grade teachers to see how their juice sale did this week with the popcorn back. They were pleased. Chatted with the principal about things and walked home. Washed dishes and cleaned up the kitchen. Heated up the kids some leftovers. Gave CJ a bath. Put him to bed. Took a shower. Joe and I were having a special dinner just the two of us when he got out of work. I put mine and Joe's dinner in the oven and then after Joe got home the girls went to bed and Joe and I ate dinner together just the two of us. We were going to watch a movie, but couldn't find anything we wanted to watch so we just went to bed early. We were both very tired.
Saturday: Slept until shortly after 8 when I heard the girls up. I got up and checked on the weather and called Lyman orchards. We were supposed to go apple picking. Lyman's canceled all outdoor activities due to the weather. So I tried to find something else for us to do for the day. I found a fall festival that sounded interesting. After feeding the kids and everyone was up Joe called our friends to see if they'd like to join us for that. Then he called his brother who we were supposed to go apple picking with, but he said no he was going to some duck race instead. Didn't invite us to that (not that we would have gone). But he proceeds to invite us apple picking on Sunday with his wife's whole family. Grrr, this was our idea to begin with and then he goes and invites her whole family along. And on top of that he has been told over and over again we can't get together on Sunday. Joe works and the kids and I have a birthday party to go to. Ugh, such a pain. So Joe got tired of talking to him and got off the phone and called our friends back and told them his brother flaked out and we made plans with them. They came over and we all went to the fall festival together. I must admit it was a little lame, but the kids got to see Rocky Rock Cat and decorate pumpkins. And it gave us some ideas for our pumpkin decorating that we do for our PTA fall festival. There wasn't much else to do there though so we just left and decided we wanted to do something. We thought maybe a movie. So we headed back to our friend's house to check the movie listings. Couldn't really find anything so just decided to go rent some movies and come back to our house to watch them. We planned to have dinner together and everything. So we went to the store and picked up a few things we needed and chose some movies from the redbox and then came home. They were over all evening, but we had a great time. The kids watched their movie while I cooked dinner. We all ate and cleaned up and put CJ to bed. Then the kids played board games while the adults watched their movie. So it turned out to be a much more enjoyable day with friends than it would have been with Joe's brother and his family and inlaws. After our friends left the girls went right to bed and Joe and I relaxed.
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