Today we had CJ's 6 month check up. He now weighs 15 pounds 10 ounces. Although, originally when he was weighed it was 16 pounds, but when the doctor came in and found out the nurse didn't have him weighed in just his diaper he was reweighed. Can you believe that? His clothes actually weighed 6 ounces. Go figure. Anyways, he's 25 1/4 inches long so he's short. I forget what his head circumference was. Whatever it was it was good. He's got a big head. I know it was up in the 75th %tile while everything else was around the 10th %tile.
I forget if I've mentioned on here or not, but there is no blood in CJ's stool. So the doctor has him on reflux meds. He seems to be doing okay on that. I think his appetite is up a little more and he's back to sleeping through the night again. The doctor says we'll keep him on the 24 calorie formula. I asked her how long and she seemed to imply that once he's a year he would obviously be off the formula, but then he might need to be on pediasure to keep putting the calories on. She says he's doing good though. A nice steady growth. She's happy to hear that he qualifies for Birth to Three. She thinks all kids could benefit from that program, but of course they can only take those with the greatest need.
His iron level is good. His eyes are good and everything else is looking great with him. He got his first lollipop today. The nurse gave it to him when she pricked his finger. He sure did enjoy that. And he got three shots today. Poor little guy. All shots he's had before though. He has been a lot more fussy than in the past, but the old doctor gave him Tylenol before giving him the shots. This doctor doesn't do that, but she has the cutest way of giving shots. She's got this toy that dances and plays music and has the nurse blow bubbles. She gives the shots 1-2-3 and then picks him up and jiggles him and shows him the bubbles. He hardly cried. Has me wondering how she'll do it for the older two. Except neither one of them need any shots for a while. So I guess I won't be finding out.
We go back in another month or so to check his weight and see how he's doing on the Axid. Other than that though there's not too much to say. He's doing good. He's had a rough time with his shots this time, but that's to be expected. He finally crashed tonight after I had left the house to bring the girls to Girl Scouts at 6. This is how I found him when I came home...
Awwww, he's so sweet. Poor kid was so tuckered out from crying most of the afternoon and evening. Hopefully he feels better tomorrow and sleeps well tonight. I think next time I might just give him some Tylenol before going to the doctor though because by the time we gave him a dose it didn't really seem to help him much. I felt so bad for him. I'm relieved to see him restful now though. I felt so helpless before that.
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21 hours ago
SO SWEET! He looks SO much like the girls! A little of each of them!
WTG CJ!!!!!
I am so glad to hear he is doing so well Monica!!!
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