A pretty typical Wednesday actually, but just some odd things happened today. Natalie had field day today. They walk down to the local park (maybe a block away) for field day. They couldn't complete their events because a baby black bear was spotted in the park. Wow, kind of scary. Natalie was upset that she didn't get to do all of field day. She said it was the worst field day ever. I talked to her though and she got to do most of the events today. It was the end of the afternoon that the bear was spotted. She thought someone shot the bear though so I guess that upset her too. She said she heard a gun shot. I tried to explain to her that they probably just put the bear to sleep so they could move it somewhere away from people. I think she understands. And I think she's not feeling so bad about field day anymore.
After picking the kids up from school we went to the grocery store. The one Joe works at because he's been working nights lately and hasn't seen Natalie much. I needed more toothpaste anyways. So we saw him and then I picked up a few things that we needed. I checked out and wrote a check to pay for it. I wrote the check for $30 over to get some cash. The cashier messed up though and put the check in for $10.05 more than I wrote it for. I noticed it before he gave me the money and of course argued. The head cashier told me there was nothing they could do. Well gee what am I supposed to do with this extra $10. Actually, he didn't even give me the 5 cents. I was so mad that they messed up like this though. Now I need to make a trip to the bank to put this $10 back in. I was getting cash back to give Joe some cash so he could get himself a little gas in his car so I went to give him the money and tell him of these people. He told me to go to the store manager. I wasn't going to, but on my way out I figured I'd better let them know. Well, he said all they could do was take my check out and rering the whole order. He told me that the check will go through as what I had written and not what was printed on the back of the check. So in actuality this kids drawer was going to be $10 short (or really $9.95 short). I asked him then how do I give this money back? And what if the check goes through as what was stamped on the back? He told me to keep the $10. All they could do now to correct it was to rering it and have me write another check. I didn't want to take the time to do that and he pretty much told me to keep the money for the trouble they put me through. Hmmmm, well I guess at least I tried to give the money back and do the right thing in front of my children. It was all very frustrating though. The head cashier should have had the order rerung to correct the mistake that was made by their cashier, but instead she didn't want to do the work so just said there was nothing that they could do to correct the mistake. Hard to believe that they wouldn't want to fix it though since they are going to loose money in this situation. I guess I sort of made out in the deal.
When I came home this afternoon my landlord asked me if anyone had gone through my car in the past few days. Hmmmm, nope not that I know of, but I did have a flat tire the other day. Apparently the other tenants had their car rummaged through and our landlord thinks it's the next door neighbors who did it. Okay, mental note, keep my car doors locked at all times.
Lots of strange events. Thankfully the day is almost over. Uh oh baby is crying, guess it's time to wrap this up.
Author Interview with Emma Otheguy
When I had the pleasure of meeting Emma Otheguy, I got a taste of her
passion for introducing history to young readers. In addition to writing
early read...
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