Well, seems that I didn't have all of my ducks in a row for this sleepover. Who would have thought that for parents to come with their own daughters on a sleepover they needed to have background checks? So the sleepover at the aquarium which I had scheduled for Friday night has to be put on hold until I can get all of the parents registered and background checks done on them.
I felt so bad having to tell the girls last night that we couldn't go. They were so looking forward to this. I have spoken to the aquarium though and they were very understanding about it. They have other dates in the future. One was in July, but it's a boy/girl sleepover which I'm not going to be able to get approval on. The other is in September. That should give me plenty of time to get everything all set up and this way maybe we'll get to have more of the girls come since a lot of them couldn't make it due to the Memorial Day weekend.
I'm still having trouble with a couple of parents though. The Service Unit manager and Membership Marketing manager have told me that I am right that the money is for the troop and not an individual girl. So I am not to give them something which would be unfair to the other girls. Now that we have to change the date and given how far in the future it is we shouldn't have too many saying they can't make it since they'll be able to save the date. I imagine that these parents have no intention of bringing their daughters to this though so they'll probably continue to request what they feel is their fair share. At least now I can put this on the Service Unit manager and Membership Marketing manager though. One of these parents has already told me that once she gets her daughter's "fair share" they'll be done with Girl Scouts at least as far as my troop is concerned. It's a shame that it had to come down to this with these parents being so selfish though.
My co-leader and I have been discussing whether or not we want to continue doing Girl Scouts next year. Both of us feel if we don't have to deal with these two parents then we could keep it going. I guess we'll have to see. We had an ice cream social last night with our troop and the others in town and we really had a nice group of girls. They were mellow and got along great and no fighting or she did this and she did that to me. The girls who weren't there were all the ones who are in this little click together. There are 5 girls that when they get together (three of them belong to these two parents who have been troublesome) are just awful to each other. They are fine when they aren't all there and I can handle a few of these girls in this little click when the rest aren't there. Our troop all around I think would be so much better without all of that drama. I was sure that I wasn't going to do Girl Scouts next year, but now I am definitely reconsidering.
STEM Tuesday– Fossils– Writing Tips & Resources
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