Here is this weeks Week In Review for March 8 - March 14, 2009
Sunday: I hope everyone remembered to set their clocks ahead. I couldn't believe how quickly the day flew by. Must be the time change. I got all the size 4, 5, 6 and 6x clothes out of the house and over to my friend. Did some laundry too. I really need to get in gear and packing more. Our moving date is coming up on us quickly.
Monday: I feel like I didn't get a lot accomplished today, but I guess I did. I posted a bunch of stuff on ebay. I also freecycled some stuff. That became a huge pain in the butt. People who were supposed to come didn't. One was kind enough to e-mail that she wouldn't make it because of the weather. Not that the weather was all that bad. All the stuff finally went though. Then we had a reading around the campfire event at the school for Kaitlyn. That was fun. They gave us dinner including s'mores. Then we got to read with our kids. First we learned how to ask more questions about the stories they are reading. Then we did this thing where she had to repeat back what I was saying. She had fun and we read lots of good books together. Then she got to come home with two free books.
Tuesday: I wasn't feeling good today. Very achy. Coming down with a cold. I brought the girls to school and sent a note home for one of the parents. Still haven't heard back about our Avon fundraiser. Then I made some phone calls. I washed dishes and cleaned out a closet in my kitchen. Getting rid of lots of stuff which is good. I had a WIC appointment so I went to that. Then to the store to pick up a prescription of mine and some more Pediasure for CJ. Then I went back to the school to look through the closet for our Bingo cards for Friday. Didn't find it though. So I came back home. When I picked the girls up Natalie's teacher asked me about the pizza party for tomorrow. Problem is we had discussed doing it next Wednesday. He forgot we had said that. But I told him I could still do it tomorrow. So I had to come home and order pizza for tomorrow afternoon. I cleaned out some more stuff and Freecycled more stuff. I cooked dinner. Got the kids bathed and in bed. Then I called my dad. And you can read about how well that went here. Then I baked brownies for Natalie's class pizza party tomorrow.
Wednesday: Playgroup day! We had a nice time at playgroup. CJ mostly stayed by my side as usual, but he did venture off a little to explore towards the end of playtime. Then we had snack, a story, and goodbye song and we left. I checked for fundraiser money in the PTA mailbox. Of course it wasn't there. I hate that people tell me they are going to do something and then don't do it. We are running out of time. So I came home and put CJ down for his nap. I had to wake him up at noon to go back to the school for the pizza party for Natalie's class. Got the pizza to her class and the brownies. All well received and came home to feed CJ lunch. He ate, I ate and I tried to clean up, but that never works when he's awake. I got the girls from school and they came home and did their homework. Joe came home from work shortly after that and the person who's buying his car came over to give the rest of the money. We still have the car because he didn't get it registered or insured yet and there wasn't time. I cleaned out a cabinet in my kitchen and washed dishes and the stove. Then we went out to grab something to eat. We took advantage of the coupons we had for free ice cream and went to Friendly's after we ate. We didn't end up getting home until 8:30. We sent the kids right to bed and Joe and I watched the movie Transporter 3. It was pretty good. After that was over it was getting late and we should have been going to bed, but we played some video games instead. Then my phone rang (at 11:30 at night). It was not good news. It was our new landlord from TN calling to tell us that he had decided to rent the house to someone else. I knew I should have gotten something signed before we left. So now Joe and I are in a complete panic of what do we do? His car is sold. He gave notice at his job. We told our landlord we're moving. And it's 11:30 at night and we can't call anyone to try to fix this. Needless to say neither one of us got any sleep.
Thursday: Got up completely exhausted. The girls didn't get up with their alarm and then they proceeded to goof off for the rest of the morning getting themselves into more and more hot water. I got them to school on time though. I tried to contact more people about paying for their fundraiser. Joe spoke to a friend about an apartment for rent in her building. It probably won't be ready until June at the earliest. There's no one at work for Joe to take his two weeks notice out. Things couldn't possibly be any worse. I need to clean because someone is supposed to come look at the apartment today. We spoke to our landlord after they came to look and they were okay with letting us stay. The ad had only run for a few days and no one else had looked at it. Then we brought the rest of the Avon stuff from the fundraiser to her house and to Walmart to pick up Connect Four for the Box Tops class winner in February.
Friday: We got up late today. I have a cold and couldn't talk really this morning. The girls over slept. So they were late for school today. After dropping them off we ran to Dunkin Donuts for something to eat and then met my PTA vice president back at the school to laminate Bingo cards. We got 200 cards laminated. Then we went back to my house to cut them all out. We didn't finish until almost 12:30. We offered to pick up two of my VP's kids from school because she had to bring the other one to the eye doctor. We told her we would just keep them until Bingo and we'd feed them and bring them to Bingo. So the kids had fun playing with their friends and then we had fun at Bingo night. Everyone had won at least one prize. We had a decent turn out. Only ended up losing $69 total which is good since we budgeted to lose $200. When we got home I called my mom to talk about getting together this weekend. We ended up deciding to allow my parents to take the girls all day Saturday and bring them home Sunday.
Saturday: We went out to breakfast. We started out at Denny's, but we didn't see a waitress for a good fifteen minutes at all. But yet people who came in after us were getting waited on. When the waitress decided to grace us with her presence she wasn't very apologetic. So we got up and left. As we were storming out the waitress was talking to the manager who tried to get us to stay. We said there's no way. We headed to Friendly's and we were in and out of there. We came home and cleaned up a little. The girls packed for their stay with my parents. My parents came a little earlier than I had told them to. CJ had fallen asleep on the floor. My dad was LOUD. CJ woke up and was cranky. So he didn't want anyone but me which of course upset my mom. They took the girls though and I put CJ down for a nap. Someone was supposed to come look at the apartment, but they were a no show. Joe went to work and that just left me and CJ. He had a good time walking around and exploring. We had dinner and he fell asleep on the floor watching TV. It's amazing what he can do when his sister's aren't around bugging him.
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