Here is this weeks Week In Review for June 21 - June 27, 2009
Check out my little picture recap of the week here.
Sunday: Happy Father's Day. Joe had to be at work early. So I woke up to no one sleeping next to me. Again with CJ charging into my room. I guess that's a nice wake up call. Sometimes I wish his sisters would stop taking him out of his crib though. So it was time to get up and start our day. I fed the kids breakfast. Planned a special dinner for Joe. CJ went down for a nap. The kids and I had lunch and before we knew it Joe was home from work. They gave him their gifts and then we went to the store to get the ingredients for his special dinner. We came home and I cleaned up a little and then started on Joe's dinner. We had a nice family dinner. We put CJ down for bed and let the girls stay up late since they didn't have to get up for school. We watched Wipe Out with them and then sent them to bed. Joe and I watched some TV and I fell asleep on the couch. Got up and went to bed.
Monday: Got up to the CJ alarm again. Got everyone up slowly and fed and ready for the first day of swimming lessons. The girls enjoyed their swimming class. After swimming we went to the library to sign up for the summer reading program. Then we came home and the girls showered while I made lunch. Put CJ down for a nap and then Joe took the girls fishing. When he came home we had dinner and then went for a drive. Then we came home and put CJ down for bed. We let the girls stay up and watch some TV. I did some laundry and then we went to bed.
Tuesday: I woke up before everyone. Enjoyed some peace on the computer and then the kids started waking up. I fed them breakfast. Before we knew it was time to get ready for swimming. This time CJ and I were going in the pool too. We got to the pool and CJ kept running towards it and couldn't wait to get in. That is until he felt how cold it was. And boy was it cold. He cried through most of it and wouldn't let me do anything with him. So we got out about five minutes before the class ended. Then the girls got out and we dried off and went home. The girls showered, I gave CJ lunch and washed dishes. Joe made the girls lunch while I took a bath with CJ (still in my bathing suit). He wasn't too happy with me after the freezing cold pool so I wanted to help him to enjoy the water with me again. He had a good time. Then I put him down for a nap. I guess all the crying in the pool really wore him out too because he took a better nap than he's had in days. Although, problem was when he got up he had a fever of 101. He wasn't acting sick just very hot. Joe left for work. I cooked dinner. CJ got worse. Wanted to be held and very lethargic. So while trying to prepare dinner I had a very clingy baby. Poor guy. He didn't really eat. I'm worried his ear infection is back or never went away. He got up to 102. I gave him tylenol after dinner. Changed him and put him to bed. Waited up for Joe and then put the girls to bed. If CJ isn't better in the morning the doctor might be getting a visit from us. I watched the end of the Mets game (another loss) and took a shower. Finished up the swimming laundry and then went to bed.
Wednesday: I had to get up early to bring Joe to work. He was in at 7. So we slowly got the children up. CJ was still burning up. His temperature was 101.9. He felt much hotter than that, but rectal and ear were all saying the same thing. So we brought Joe to work and CJ stayed limp in my arms. He fell asleep so I put him down and waited for 9:00 to roll around so I could call the doctor. The doctor just decided to call in another script for his last ear infection and not see him. I was feeling uneasy about that. He woke up and ate some crackers and drank good. Still very hold me and cranky though. We brought the girls to swimming where it was cold and rainy. But CJ wanted out of his stroller and to walk around on the covered deck overlooking the pool. That was nice to see. Short lived though. After swimming we went to the pharmacy to pick up his new script. Came home and the girls showered while I tried to get CJ to eat something to give him his meds. He wouldn't eat, but did drink his pediasure. So I tried giving him his meds. He fell asleep in his high chair. Fever seems to be coming back with a vengeance. I didn't take his temp just put him down for a nap. I had to wake him up so we could go get Joe. He was burning up. 103.7! So I went to pick up Joe and we came right home and I ran him a luke warm bath. That brought his temp down to 103. I called the doctor to see what else I could do. They said I could alternate motrin and tylenol and do the luke warm bath and to give the antibiotics another dose or two to really start working. So I ran to the store to get some Motrin. He had the Tylenol before his bath so we had to wait a few more hours to give it to him. He has been miserable though. The majority of the time either Joe or I held him. We put him down to nap for a little while and he got up shortly before we could give him the Motrin. He was burning up. Gave him Motrin and called for a pizza. When the pizza came we put CJ down again because he wasn't interested in eating. Shortly after 8 we got him up to change him and give him another dose of the antibiotic. He was really burning up again. I got a temp of 104.5, but after taking it again it really seems stuck around 103. We argued about taking him to the hospital. I felt the hospital would just say to do what we're doing and give the antibiotics more time to work. Joe wanted to make sure it was actually an ear infection. We decided to only go if it gets over 104. So we gave him the antibiotic and he fell asleep in my arms. Then he woke up around 10 and it was time for more Tylenol. So we gave it to him. He was in and out fussing all the time. I tried to do the swimming laundry. Joe was letting him drink some soda and then he threw up all over me. And it just kept coming out. So I had to strip. We put CJ in the tub and gave him another bath. Joe cleaned the carpet while I bathed CJ. Then he took him out of the tub and sat with him while I put my clothes in the wash. His temp seems to have gone down a little now though. Hopefully the vomiting doesn't lead to dehydration. He's sleeping with us tonight.
Thursday: CJ felt cooler when we got up. Seemed a little better too. Still wasn't eating though. We brought Joe to work and then came home and waited around the house for swimming. CJ wasn't going to his class though because he was still running a fever. So the girls got dressed. We went to swimming where CJ was whiny and clingy. We came home and tried to get CJ to eat, but he wasn't interested. We had to go pick up Joe from work. So we did and came home and put CJ down for a nap and the girls had lunch. I went to the store to get a few things we needed for dinner. When I got back CJ was up and so was his fever. We gave him Tylenol, but it still wasn't coming down. I cooked dinner and we ate. CJ didn't really eat again. We gave him his medicine and he was just miserable and fell asleep. I put him in his crib early. He had a restless night with a lot of fussing and crying. We watched some TV with the girls and then sent them to bed and I ended up crashing on the couch. Got up and realized I didn't do the swimming laundry. So I stayed up late to finish that and went to bed tentatively listening for CJ.
Friday: I woke up worried about CJ because I hadn't heard him all night. I checked on him and he stirred with I opened the door. So I let him be and he slept until almost 9. I showered and came out and Natalie had him on the couch. He was just laying there. He had slept for over 12 hours. This was not normal. He needed changing so I brought him into my room to do that and waited for 9 for the doctor's office to open. I called the doctor's office and got him in for 4:00. Joe was not happy about how late the appointment was and he took his anger out on me. So we argued again about it. CJ had something to drink and a few bites of bread. The girls had some breakfast too. Then we got them ready for swimming. Joe stayed home with CJ while I brought the girls to swimming. We came home and CJ was asleep. So the girls showered and luckily didn't have to go in to his room to wake him as we had clothes in the living room for them. They had lunch and we hung around the house just waiting for 4:00 to come around to find out what's wrong with my baby. CJ finally woke up around 3. Much cooler and seemingly in better spirits. Just in time to go to the doctor. We brought Joe to work and then went on to the doctor. We apparently got to the doctor's office just at the right time as the rain, wind, and lightning came pounding down. The doctor said CJ has a very nasty double ear infection. So it was his ears. She put him on a different antibiotic though and gave us some ear drops for the pain. We left thankfully with the weather better, but the roads not so much. Down trees and power out all over the place. It was scary driving during rush hour in that. But we made it to the pharmacy. Got CJ's scripts and something for dinner. CJ even picked out a special something for himself. We came home and I made dinner. CJ ate some noodles and some yogurt bites (his special treat). I was very happy to see that. I gave him his new meds which he fought me. Thankfully this one is only once a day and not twice a day. CJ has been up and playing already though so I think he's finally on the mend. We had to go pick Joe up from work and then came home and put CJ to bed.
Saturday: Got up for the first morning in days where CJ didn't have a fever and he wanted to EAT! A great feeling. Fed the kids and then CJ had an explosive diaper so I gave him a bath. Then I needed to clean out the tub which turned into cleaning the whole bathroom. Put CJ down for a nap. Joe left for work and the girls and I had lunch. I realized that when CJ had his explosive diaper he got it in his high chair. So I cleaned the pad on his high chair and did some other laundry with it. CJ got up from his nap and wanted some bread. So I gave it to him. We just hung around until Joe got home from work. While just hanging around Kaitlyn popped out one of her teeth. I didn't think it was that loose. So a quick phone call had to be made to the tooth fairy's husband to make sure there was enough money for the tooth. Joe came home and we figured out something for dinner. CJ was getting cranky so we put him down to sleep for a little while. Got dinner and he was awake. So we ate and then watched some TV. Put the kids to bed. Joe and I watched some more TV together and then we went to bed.
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